The Tiny Kosher Farm that Made a Huge Impact By Moshe Holender of the Zman
Did you ever stop to wonder where the chicken on your plate actually came from? Join ZMAN as we go behind the scenes to find out how a kosher chicken is made. Not only do we get a clear insight into the process, but we meet the fascinating Rabbi Rafoel Franklin, who operates a family farm in Upstate New York and who founded a poultry company whose name has become synonymous with the highest standards in kosher chicken.
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Just Ducky by Sandy Eller of 5TJT
When we hear the phrase “for the birds,” most of us think of something that is of little value. But for Eliezer Franklin, CEO of Pelleh Poultry in Swan Lake, New York, birds are a wonderful thing, with duck in particular about to take the kosher world by storm, if the Monsey father of five has his way.
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Joy of Kosher By Tamar Genger
Leaving the New York City skyscrapers behind and accelerating north toward the Catskills, I was driving away from the morning rush-hour traffic, on a hot and humid July day to visit Eliezer Franklin at his family-owned Farm- Pelleh Poultry in Bethel, New York.
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Bringing boutique poultry from their farm to your table by Mishpacha
Who is Pelleh? In the early 80’s, R’ Refoel Franklin (featured in Mishpacha issue 505), a longtime shochet, noticed some real problems within the kashrus of the meat market. After seeking guidance of his rebbe, R’ Freifeld, he was told that he can’t change the world or other’s standards. What he could do is open his own poultry plant, so that those who seek premier standards in kashrus will have a place to go. And so, together with R’ Dovid Miller, the Rav Hamachshir, Pelleh was born! The company is now run by R’ Refoel and his son, Eliezer. Baruch Hashem, in the last 30 years, the kashrus of the industry as a whole has improved significantly.
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